3+ Contoh Teks Pidato Singkat Untuk HUT RI ke 77 dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan Tema Kemerdekaan, Ada Terjemahan

- 11 Agustus 2022, 08:51 WIB
3+ Contoh Teks Pidato Singkat Untuk HUT RI ke 77 dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan Tema Kemerdekaan, Ada Terjemahan
3+ Contoh Teks Pidato Singkat Untuk HUT RI ke 77 dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan Tema Kemerdekaan, Ada Terjemahan /Pixabay.com/@mufidpwt

Allah the Most Merciful says:

"And do not kill the souls that Allah has forbidden except with a lawful right" (Surah Al-An'am 6:151)

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, in an authentic hadith by Imam al-Bukhari,

"Whoever kills a non-Muslim who has an agreement with the Muslims, he will not smell the fragrance of heaven."

In another authentic hadith by al-Bukhari, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also said,

"A true Muslim is one who is safe from his tongue and hands."

It is very clear that Islam warns against any act of terrorism. And we certainly understand, if an act of terrorism is carried out by a Muslim, it means they have violated Islamic rules in the Qur'an and Sunnah. Only people who love peace can be called true Muslims.

O my noble brethren,

According to the US National Counter-Terrorism Center, Al-Qaeda kills more than seven times as many Muslims as non-Muslims. According to a UN report, Muslims are the biggest victims of ISIS. According to the US State Department, Muslims are also the biggest victims of terrorism in general. So, the only relationship between Islam and terrorism is that Islam is the most victimized.

Finally, this is the true Islam that I can explain to you today. Far from the image presented by the media, the message of Islam actually offers peace for all mankind, from all forms of acts of terrorism. All human beings, regardless of religion, are invited to come and discover the message of Islam's peace.


Editor: Dwi Prasetyo Asriyanto


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